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Hi! I'm Sussie, a Design Engineer based in Berlin.

About me

Hi! I'm Sussie Casasola. I've been building websites and web applications since 2015. I studied Computer Engineering in Mexico City and after gaining some experience I moved to Berlin, Germany.

I've recently become interested in bridging the gap between Design and Frontend Development. Having focused on coding for several years, I'm now eager to explore more Design related concepts.

Regarding the Frontend Development, my main interests lie in Modern CSS (and all it's new possibilities), Design Systems and Accessibility.

When I am not working I am probably doing crochet, building new islands on Animal Crossing, experimenting with my plants, painting or reading a book. I guess it depends of my mood or the weather.

Lastest notes

Quick notes

I am really happy to launch this new version of my website :D Last time I did an update was on April 2022. I am planning to write more content about modern CSS, there is a lot to learn and I am dying to try all those new topics.